Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just a few hours now...

We are sitting in our hotel room now, expecting a call any minute now from our guide, Rebecca. She is going our group's paperwork (and us!) prepared to meet our girls. There are 2 other families in our hotel- the Curtis' and Crawfords. They are both adopting 17 mo girls, and naming them Lily- how coincidental! In less than 3 hours now we will AT LAST be united with Caelyn! We are filled with excitement, but the nerves are also bubbling to the surface. We can't focus on the "what if". All we can do now is trust that God has a perfect plan, and that this day will go just as He wants it to for our benefit.

Also... TODAY IS MOM'S BIRTHDAY! What a beautiful birthday present!? Our hotel has offered a cake that will be delivered to our room tonight so we can celebrate this day with our family! We have been keeping pretty close contact through Skype with my brothers at home, and my grandmother, Memaw, and her friend, Miss Evelyn, are at home with Casey. Some tries are better than others, we just have to remember that we are on the other side of the world: a 3 second delay is acceptable. :))

As I log off, I am preparing to meet my new little sister! We are putting together some small things in a backpack for her, and in a matter of hours will be headed out the door to drive to Shamian Island to pick up Caelyn! Please continue praying! Thank you!

In Him,
   Chelsey :))

1 comment:

  1. OH my gosh! I have been thinking of ya'll all day and counting the hours until you meet sweet Yang Yi. She was such a sweet child when I met her and I can't wait to see her in your arms. Congrats and take a breath, the waiting is almost over!
    Love, Laurie
