Yes, one of my mom's dear friends, Laurie, (whom she met through Yahoo groups) is in China right now, picking up her dear daughter, Avery Ya, and sent us pictures! (from just yesterday!) It turns out that Avery Ya and Caelyn Yi are in the same class at the orphanage (we think they are seperated into age groups). Laurie told us that Avery Ya showed her pictures of "Yang Yi" and spent time drawing pictures of herself and Yang Yi together! :) How neat!? Then when they went to the orphanage the director let them see their classroom, bedroom, lunchroom, etc. Avery did not go because she was crying. When her parents asked why she was crying, a little boy passing by said, "Because she does not want to come back to this place." When I read that my heart broke. But it was great to see the early stages of attatchment between Avery and her parents, and really encouraged me since she and Caelyn Yi are such close friends! Anywayanys, Laurie said she got many pictures of Caelyn Yi and a video (which we haven't gotten just yet). Here are some of the pics:

My family had a hard time picking out Caelyn in some of the pics, which is why I edited them (using It is strange trying to pick out your daughter/sister whom you have never seen before, except in pictures which are obviously posed. It's great to see Caelyn in her normal every-day life and it makes us even more excited to meet her!!!
Thank you for your prayers. We are having a shower in a couple of weeks. :) Thanks everyone who planned/are planning that!
In Him,
Chelsey :)
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