Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's Never Not Time to be Thankful

Well, I'm not sure what to say. I suppose "Happy Thanksgiving" would be appropriate, but the current aura in our house says something different. It doesn't feel like Thanksgiving, and quite frankly, the Bennett household is not in a particularly celebratory mood. Our family has been on extaordinarily high stress levels all week. One of my close relatives is now in a treatment facility for depression/anxiety/insomnia, etc, which is adding emotional turmoil to the family. I love this individual so much that I share in his suffering. Granted, not nearly as much as my his parents, but the mutual burden remains. If you get the chance, please pray for him. He just went through an emotional break-up, and is now being housed in a treatment facility (unfamiliar to him) away from his family during the holiday. (I don't release all information simply beacause it is not necessary. God hears us when we call, and he knows our hearts. You don't have to know someone's name to pray for them.)

Beyond the constant reminder of this individual's absence, my family is very excited about the adoption. We are incessantly reminded of God's divine plan for us, Yang Yi, and our relative in need. We know it is not our plan, but God's and we know that He fulfills His promise for our own hope, benefit, and future (Jeremiah 29:11). We don't understand everything that's going on right now, and we don't know how treatments will go for our loved one... all we know is that a sovereign, loving, all-powerful, all-knowing God is watching and holding onto us for our dear lives. (And we will always remember to have H.O.P.E.)

It seems that there's never a dull moment in the Bennett household. Theres always some sort of drama, stress, or waiting. Then again- that's life. God promised us that we would suffer. Life is not all "honky-dory". We are sinners in need of the cleansing blood of Christ, and being constantly reminded of this is something to be thankful for. I never want to go a day without being reminded of Christ's steadfast love and abundant mercy.

So, on that note, I want everyone to know that amidst the pain and suffering, beyond the yearning and waiting, I AM THANKFUL for Christ's love and mercy, and I am thankful because of it. I am thankful for the beautiful ways that He's touched my heart (and used other's hearts to touch mine). I AM THANKFUL that he made this treatment opprotunity so clear and gave his parents wisdom. I am thankful that Carson, my brother got to come home for Thanksgiving, I AM THANKFUL for IHOP, where we ate Thanksgiving dinner (no one really felt like cooking or cleaning given the circumstances). I am thankful for God's beautiful creation and the people He's used to further our knowledge of it. I AM THANKFUL for so much in my life right now! Yet the cool thing is: I will never be able to appreciate all of what God has done for me. never. and for that: I AM THANKFUL. I am so thankful that I will never be too thankful. I am so thankful that God will always be more than enough for me. I AM THANKFUL.

I want to encourage you all right now, that even if you're not celebrating Thanksgiving in the typical way, it's never not time to be thankful.

In Him,
Chelsey :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

painting, showers, and THANKS-GIVING!

My school has graciously given their students an entire week off for Thanksgiving break! :) I am so Thankful! We've been painting a lot in our house. We're painting Carli and Yi's room, my room, and both of our vanities. Carli chose a brown for their room and a yellow for her bathroom vanity, I chose two different shades of green. Hope they turn out well! Carli finished the brown base yesterday, and will be adding polka dots today. I will be finishing my vanity and starting my room today. So that's what is currently going on in the Bennett house- painting and sore arms!

Of course its exciting to be thinking about Yi while we paint away! We decided to let Carli choose how to decorate because it's her room. And I wont be here much longer (wow!) if they hate rooming together (which i doubt) then maybe Yi can move to my room... or vice-versa... thats a long way away, though...

My mom has been discussing dates with a friend for a possible "baby shower". People can support us by giving things to Yi (whether clothes, toys, books, etc). If you think about it, people usually have a lot of things built up in their house by the time a child is 6 years old. Yi will be 6 1/2 when we get her (hopefully) and at that point will have a backpack filled with belongings. This is more than the typical orphanage supplies. Yi's orphanage (Zhongshan CWI (Child Welfare Institute)) is fantastic and well supported by the government!! (We've just found out that among the many bedrooms, cafeteria, playgrounds, classrooms, there are two "wading-type" pools!)
All that to say: we're very excited, and a shower would be a great way for people to love on us! After it is confirmed and decided, I will announce the date...

Thank you everyone for your prayers and encouraging words of wisdom! I admit at times I feel as though I am typing all these messages for mine and my mom's eyes only. But even if that is the case, I know God has a perfect divine plan for me and this blog. I still find it hard to believe that I actually have a blog, but true it is. :)

In Him,
Chelsey :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let's See How Far We've Come

The "new and improved" timeline: So neat to see God's work :)

June 15, 2008- Home from China missions trip

July 27, 2008- Initial paper work finished

August 2, 2008- First official home-study meeting

December 3, 2008- Fingerprints complete

April 6, 2009- Complete Home-study sent to Immigration

June 15, 2009- Immigration Approval

July 27, 2009- DTC/Docier to China

September 16, 2009- Official Referral for Yang Yi

September 17, 2009- LOI/Letter of Intent sent

September 28, 2009- LID/Log In Date

October 12, 2009- PA/Pre-Approval

November 16, 2009- LOA/Letter of Acceptance

(This is a picture of my parents just after they signed the LOA this morning)

December 16, 2009- Visas recieved from China

December 22, 2009- I-800 completed and sent to America

NOW- Completing a few forms, in the process of turning them into the US government, then a few more tedious steps, and we wait for the TA- Travel Approval. That will be the next BIG news... and very possibly the biggest! This feels so surreal... in a good way!

In Him,
Chelsey :)

Nothing Less Than a Miracle

Yesterday we recieved the LOA! It was so exciting! My mom says she couldn't hold back the tears as Karla surprised her with the call. I told you about the detailed Monday I had yesterday, but that was before the rest of the day had begun...

My sister and I got home at about 3:00. We were excited and sat down to chat with my mom at her computer. I updated the blog, then- litterally- the minute I got off of the computer the doorbell rang. A package? My shaking hand signed on the dotted line as the mailman handed me a small package. I immediately noticed the chinese scrawled all over it. The bracelets! I exclaimed as we headed to the living room to open the package.

My mom carefully opened the package and we proudly donned our official Red Thread Bracelets! Now we match Yang Yi! At least we think- there was an extra child's bracelet in the package so our hope is simply that Ann of Red Thread was feeling generous :)

This was exciting in itself! LOA and bracelets in one day! wow! THEN about an hour later my mom recieved an e-mail from China! It was Yang Yi's answers to our questions that we sent her about 2 weeks ago! How wonderful! We were shocked. So much happened in one day! At this point Carli remarked, "At this rate we could get her by Christmas! Heck- tomorrow!"

So as you can see we are very excited. We actually ended up going to Wal-Mart and bought her an outfit and a stuffed animal. :) I love all these beautiful surprises God keeps giving us! This is such a fantastic journey! Hard and long, but good; truly good.

"Life is hard, God is good."

In Him,
Chelsey :)

Monday, November 16, 2009


It is now day 35 from our PA. Today's Monday. Like every other Monday, the morning was hard, long, and that thought flashes through your head, "Oh my gosh this is only the beginning of the week." My friend and I love to make count-downs. One of our countdowns is the number of Mondays left until a certain anticipated event/break.

Anyways, today started out like every other Monday until about 2nd period. Once again, Carli and I were called to the office to talk to our mom on the phone. We eagerly called my mom. As soon as the dial-tone stopped we heard the word: LOA. I could hear my mom grinning as she spilled out the good news: We've recieved our LOA! Out of the blue! Karla, our social worker, was even surprised! God is good! So much for typical Mondays- today was a day to remember! Carli and I emerged from the office bubbling over with pride as we proceeded to tell the whole school that we got LOA! After only 35 days we got LOA! That is very quick! It hasn't felt quick. I feel like we have been waiting a few months atleast, but its really been just over a month! How exciting! Oh God has perfect timing! Just last Friday I had accepted that things were slowing down. Very exciting. We now have rejeuvenated hope and joy! Thank you all for your prayers! We're very excited!

Glory be to God in the highest! And on earth- peace and goodwill towards men.

In Him,
Chelsey :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Tortoise and the Hare

The other day we recieved an e-mail from Ann of Red Thread saying this: "Yang Yi and another girl got their packages today. The were very happy to have the gifts." That was it. It was a little disappointing, but it was enough. I've noticed how much things have slowed down. The past 2 months have been pretty fast paced. We got a referral, new information and pics, sent a carepackage, and are waiting for LOA (Letter of Acceptance) and answers from our questions. Now it seems that things have decelerated back to the typical pace. Now- we're waiting and holding on with patient expectation.

In Him,
Chelsey :)